To order: Fill out the following form and forward along with cheque or money order made out to:
Jackie Mills, C/O Sit’N’Dance,
878 Atwood Place, Kingston, ON, Canada, K7P 1N9
Cost: Each kit is $89 Canadian plus postage and shipping*
$10 discount per kit if more than one kit is purchased.
This is a nonprofit product. Cost has been kept down thanks to a grant from the Kahanoff Foundation and the support of Jewish Family Service Calgary.
Shipping charges for one kit:
(For 2 or 3 kits shipping is 1.5 x the regular shipping charge)
Canada $18 (Canadian)
U.S.A. $22 (Canadian)
International Please contact for quote
Sti’N’Dance Facilitator order form:
Number of kit #1 needed ____________. Cost __________
Number of kit #2 needed ____________. Cost __________
Number of kit #3 needed ____________. Cost __________
Discount for 2 or more kits < __________>
Shipping and postage __________
Total fee enclosed __________