Sit’N’Dance is a dance program that provides individuals with a group dance experience. Participants are seated in chairs, wheelchairs or even on stretchers, arranged in a circle. Simple, easy to follow dance movements are taught based on polkas, two-steps, jazz dances, waltzes and many other traditional dance forms. These are demonstrated by the instructor and imitated by the group. No previous dance experience is needed for the program, just a desire to have fun!
Every attempt is made to maintain a sense of the culture of the dance in a fun, light-hearted, social way. Examples of movements might include clapping, swinging the arms, swaying or tapping. Dancers are encouraged to work at their own level and to enjoy the experience.
Jacqueline Mills, in addition to being a qualified elementary and secondary teacher, has over 30 years of experience in teaching International Folk Dance. She has studied with several of the top International Folk Dance teachers in Canada and has a Fellowship in International Folk Dance from the Canadian Dance Teacher’s Association (C.D.T.A.) as well as Ontario Folk Dance Teacher’s Association’s teaching qualifications. She also has the C.D.T.A. Gold Medal in International Folk Dance and is currently head of the C.D.T.A. Alberta Branch Folk Dance Division. Jackie developed and established Sit’N’Dance over the past 10 years and has presented at conferences and workshops throughout Canada and into the U.S.A.